transistor base

英 [trænˈzɪstə(r) beɪs] 美 [trænˈzɪstər beɪs]




  1. A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.
  2. Construction and Application of the Multi-channel Electrophysiological Recording System; A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.
  3. Regardless of type NPN or PNP-type tubes, the internal transistor has three areas, namely, the launch area, base, collector area, the three areas form two PN junction.
  4. The Test System For Thermal Resistance Of Power Transistor base on Virtual Instrument
  5. For example, a transistor is a controllable switch, but it is directional between the collector and emitter, and it has interactive control between the base and emitter.
  6. Power transistor base drive circuit
  7. Microwave High-Power Transistor Base Ballast Method Research
  8. A planar SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor was fabricated using polysilicon emitter technology and SiGe base grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy ( MBE).
  9. The resistor and transistor base doping has been accomplished by implanted boron, while the emitter doping by implanted phosphorus.
  10. Energy gap and minority-carrier recombination lifetime are important physical parameters in the emitter of silicon transistor. A structure of a sub-100 nm base width silicon transistor has been described in this paper.
  11. Essentially, the structure of linear magnetic field sensor is same as a bipolar lateral transistor with twin base and twin collector.
  12. In this paper, the work is introduced on investigation on non classical CMOS structure in the quest to find the ultimate transistor structure that will permit evolutionary improvements of the existing CMOS technology base.
  13. Establishment of Prediction Formula for Transistor Base Failure Rate of China
  14. In the paper the recent development of static induction transistor, charge modulation devices, buck charge modulated device, base stored image sensor, amplified MOS image and CMOS active pixel sensors are emphatically described.
  15. Based on the analyzing and studying carrier transport of SiGe HBT ( heterojunction bipolar transistor), a model of the emitter delay time τ_e, including base extending effect, is established.
  16. A theoretical model is presented to determine the current dependence of base resistance RB ( IB) of bipolar transistor at high current, based on the effect of base conductivity modulation.
  17. The empirical formulae are developed to compute the breakdown voltage of transistor with the base open quickly and quite exactly.
  18. The Method of Increasing the Switching Frequency of Transistor Inverter-The Design of Optimal Base Current and Saturation Control Circuit
  19. A Model for the Technique Parameter Calculation of Up-diffused I~ 2L NPN Transistor Base
  20. Its configuration is similar to a conventional transistor with the exception of the addition of a v or π layer ( transition region) between collector and base regions and it is operated as a diode.
  21. The edge crowding effect of emitter current in a transistor caused by self bias of base resistor is one of the factors to limit its capability of loaded current.